We are excited to announce the availability of three positions within our department at the Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås:
We are excited to announce an open position for a Professor in the Biodesign integration at Aalto University. We are seeking an outstanding candidate who is dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, and contributing to the academic and intellectual life of our institution.
We are excited to announce an opportunity for 4 Ph.D. positions in the field of Design; Textile design, Fashion design, and Textile interaction design at the Swedish School of Textiles, Department of Design.
The Swedish school of textiles, University of Borås announces 3 PhD positions in design with specialisation in Textile Design, Fashion Design, or Textile Interaction Design.
We are seeking three creative Researchers to join the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment:
21st Century Tapestry: an investigation of smart materials, technology interplay and heritage craftsmanship at Edinburgh Napier University, School of Arts and Creative Industries.
HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg is currently accepting applications for funded PhD positions in Craft, Design & Artistic Practice. Application deadline June 5, 2020
Newcastle University is currently accepting applications for funded PhD positions.
In this conference, we welcome everyone engaged in the study and analysis of the fashion phenomenon – not only researchers from the academic world but, also innovative organisations and companies that work within the fashion system.
DIS2020 conference: July 6-10, 2020. Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Deadline: February 28, 2020.
February 9-12, 2020, Sydney, Australia.
TEI 2020 is the 14th annual conference dedicated to presenting the latest results in tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction.
DAPI - HCII 2020 Copenhagen, 19-24 July.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
The next ArcInTex Network meeting is hosted by Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhu, China.
April 12-18, 2019.
23 - 24 September 2019
Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia
Funded PhD project (Full-time) at Xián Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China.
Department of Industrial Design.
Fashion/Textile FUTURES Research Group.
An der Kunsthochschule Berlin (Weißensee) – Hochschule für Gestaltung ist folgende Stelle im Fachgebiet Textil- und Flächen-Design befristet im Rahmen eines BMBF-Drittmittelprojektes und in Teilzeit (50%) zum 01.02.2018 zu besetzen:
Special Issue Designing For The Body, MTI Journal
Submission deadline: 30 October 2017
Experimental fashion and accessories collection ”Easy 2” interprets the theme of sustainable design and analyses application of contemporary textile technologies in fashion design.
In the beginning of December 2016, the ArcInTex network gathered in Barcelona for a network meeting. The theme was Technology-driven industrial development with focus on educational and industrial research within technological developments, and new ways to work with and in textile materials.
COST Action "Play and Toys for All", April 18th -21st, 2017, "LUDI - Play for Children with Disabilities". The deadline for application is February,5th 2017.
While most of us feel pain if we’re pricked by a needle, or taste sourness sucking a lemon, scientists understand less about how we’re affected by what we see.
At the Berlin University of the Arts, the following position is available in the College of Architecture, Media and Design – Institute of Product and Process Design: Junior professor.
Wearable and Fashionable Interactions.
Within the interdisciplinary research 'Crafting Wearables' we are looking for a knitwear specialist who will fulfill a junior researcher position at the TextielLab
Barbara Jansen is exhibiting colour collage and rhytm exercise at Fiberspace Gallery in Stockholm, February 11-27, 2016
Workshop: Sunday February 14
Conference: Monday February 14-17
Conference site:
A symposium for PhD students in the creative arts 21-22 January 2016 Nottingham Trent University
The ArcInTex Network meeting on October 12-16, 2015 was held at the Academy of Arts in Vilnius and it was called Active Textile.
Invitation to defense of the PhD dissertation, Learning through materials at Design School Kolding
EKSIG 2015: Tangible means – experiential knowledge through materials, 25-26 November 2015.
Open position as Professor of Design at The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås
Design Driven Value Chains in the World of Cellulose
(DWoC) -research project
Call for papers for the EKSIG 2015 Conference in Kolding, Denmark, 25-26 November 2015.
21.04.2015, 10:00 – 16:00
CITA is hosting the Complex Modelling Evaluation Seminar at Design Museum Denmark. The seminar will present research progress in the 4 year Sapere Aude project Complex Modelling.
International Conference 2015 of the DRS Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge at Design School Kolding and University of Southern Denmark.
Call for papers // EKSIG 2015
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action European Training Network (ETN)
3 PhD positions at The Swedish School of Textiles in collaboration with AB Ludvig Svensson
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action European Training Network (ETN)
1 Industrial PhD position at AB Ludvig Svensson in collaboration with The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås.
A little update from me, the RHYME-project and Polly, which I presented some smart textile details on, at the ArcInTex Network meeting in Gothenburg.
International symposium searching for alternative making of value through and in research. May 21 -22, 2015.
Department of Architecture, Chalmers Univerity of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Next ArcInTex meeting will take place at:
Nottingham Trent University, February 23-27, 2015.
It is an 18 month initiative which will explore how a radically connected world can be designed to benefit human wellbeing, and in particular, what types of experience will be enabled by smart textile interfaces.
PARSE Journal supports an innovative and multidisciplinary research culture in the arts (including music, performing arts, art, design, architecture, literature, film and media) through publishing original artistic research;
Video has always been a great way to portray interactive products. The Design Films Track of the Eindhoven ArcInTex Symposium has been created to explore the impact of video in design,
The 1st PARSE Biennial Research Conference
(5th and 6th November 2015) Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
I want to announce that a catalog for my solo exhibition at the Museo Textil de Oaxaca (Mexico) has recently been published online. It can be downloaded (for free!) through the Apple Store.
The Swedish School of Textiles, Unversity of Borås is now recruiting PhD students in Fashion and Textile Design
The latest ArcInTex Network meeting took place in Gothenburg April 10-14, 2014. Our hosts were Chalmers University and Eva Eriksson and Olof Torgersson organized the meeting. During the first days of the meeting a number of workshops took place:
EPSRC:Research Grant
PI Dr Sarah Kettley (School of Architecture, Design & the Built Environment); CoI Dr Amanda Briggs-Goode (School of Art & Design); CoI Professor David Brown (School of Computer Science). Internet of Soft Things, 18 months starting October 2014
Deadline March 23, 2014.
The SOFT HOUSE, a live/work housing project designed by KVA Matx Team for the International Building Exhibition in Hamburg is a finalist in the Architizer Design Awards.
During the ArcInTex network workshop at the Aalto University in Helsinki the creativity was at its peak.
The Rhyme development team in Norway with members Bigitta Cappelen, Anders Petter Andersson and Fredrik Olofsson has run a course called Sensorial and Musical Interaction that ended November 2:nd.
Exhibition at MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Delia Dumitrescu and Felecia Davis
TU/e Industrial Design and ArtEZ Fashion Masters joined forces to explore and build wearables in an one week module lead by Oscar Tomico.
Visit to The Swedish School of Textiles, September 16-21, 2012
Manuel Kretzer
Dipl.-Ing. (arch)
Visit to The Swedish School of Textiles, September 24-28, 2012
Felecia Davis
PhD student
Visit to The Swedish School of Textiles, September 24-28, 2012
Astrid Mody
Architect MAA, PhD student