
Dec 21, 2018

Matters of Activity. Image Space material

Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt University Berlin
Several open positions for outstanding researchers and designers, submission deadline Jan 15, 2019

12 positions for outstanding researchers and designers - E 13 TV-L HU, full-time fixed-term contracts 

As part of the Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, twelve positions for research assistants will be available as of May 2019 from the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and technology (postdocs) as well as mathematics, computer science and all design disciplines (postdocs or praedocs). The duration of the contracts depends on the individual qualification of the applicants for one project phase (until 30.06.2021) or two consecutive project phases (until 31.12.2022).

The aim of the Cluster Matters of Activity is to provide the foundations for a new culture of materiality in the sense of reinventing the analog in the digital age. The development of sustainable, energy-saving artefacts and techniques requires the inseparability of active images, spaces and materials through an interdisciplinary approach in which the humanities, natural sciences and design disciplines cooperate as equal partners. Experimental and design-oriented approaches will be combined with historical analysis in order to draw practical and theoretical consequences. For the initial six research projects, the participating Principal Investigators from over 40 disciplines are seeking outstanding young researchers to collaboratively investigate the practices of Weaving, Cutting, Filtering, the structural connections of Material Form Function and Object Space Agency as well as the codes of Symbolic Material.

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