
Feb 5, 2015

ArcInTexETN Training Network recruiting 2 PhD students at The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action European Training Network (ETN) 

3 PhD positions at The Swedish School of Textiles in collaboration with AB Ludvig Svensson

ArcInTexETN is an initial training network for new PhD students linking Architecture, Textiles and Fashion Design, and Interaction Design in researching and exploring the expressions of sustainability and forms of future living. 

The ArcInTexETN aims to strengthen the foundations of design for more sustainable forms of living by connecting architecture, textiles and interaction design in a training network for early stage researchers. By deepening the connections between textile, architecture and interaction design the network will explore new expression of living in an age of technological innovations through the design of adaptive and responsive environments connecting the scales of the body, the interior and the building.

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