
Apr 10, 2014

Playful textile research exhibition moves to VILNIUS, Lithuania

During the ArcInTex meeting in Ronse Ocotober 14-18, 2013, the participants in the workshops did an interesting exhibition. The exhibition travelled from Ronse to Riga and Vilnius.

On Thursday October 17 and Friday 18, 2013 the ArcInTex network joins at TIO3, the Textiles Open Innovation Centre in Ronse for the symposium "Playfulness and its transition towards economic meaningfulness". TIO3 is an interesting player in the field of Textile Innovatiojn as it is not only a traditional knowledge institution but also an organisation that offers inspiration, possibilities towards experiment and also professional gudiance towards a business launch all of this with a clear focus on textile innovation.

Result from the Workshop in Ronse (pdf) »

Playful research in Smart Textile (pdf)  »