
Nov 29, 2015

TEI Workshop: Embodying Soft Wearables Research

Workshop: Sunday February 14
Conference: Monday February 14-17
Conference site:

TEI Workshop: Embodying Soft Wearables Research

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to join us for the third workshop in our series on embodying embodied design research techniques.
Please distribute to those you think might be interested. We hope to reach as broad an audience as possible, to share and enrich perspectives 

If you have any questions, drop us an email

Danielle and Oscar
Important dates:

Submissions: no later than Monday January 4 
Notification: no later than Monday January 11 
(earlier notification is possible for submissions made in December)

Workshop: Sunday February 14
Conference: Monday February 14-17

Conference site:

Studio-Workshop Overview:

This one-day workshop is an experiment in how to engage, reflect upon, and share embodied design research methods and techniques, as they are used in the development of soft wearables. Rather than engaging in oral presentations, participants will lead each other through a proven embodied method or approach. Small groups will then create mash-ups and experiment with reporting methods to find new opportunities for growth, cross-fertilization, collaboration, and effective knowledge documentation and transfer. The workshop has been designed specifically to enable participants to experience and reflect upon different approaches to embodied design research, using embodied design techniques to support that reflection.

Participants will be encouraged to experiment with different recording and analysis techniques, to reflect on what is unfolding, to share impressions, as well as outcomes, and different ways of tangibly capturing and communicating the processes undertaken. The intention is to find appropriate ways of sharing embodied experiments, so that intangible elements are not lost.

Embodied ideation, communication and collaboration techniques enable enhanced creative engagement and assist creativity. By applying such methods to the problem of their reporting, we hope to deepen understanding of how to move towards enriched, nuanced and repeatable methods for embodied design and knowledge transfer. Crucially, our intention is not simply to find the next form of research reporting. Rather, this workshop will engage participants in an experimental enquiry into embodied research reporting, so that this question may become an active area of inquiry moving forward.

This workshop builds on findings from two previous workshops held at Mobile HCI and at the Critical Alternatives Decennial Conference in Århus in 2015.

Submission info:

Interested parties should submit:

  *   a position statement in the form of an extended abstract, and
  *   a pictorial or a short video in a style that best communicates your relation to embodied design research techniques.

We will select papers based on relevance, quality, and diversity. The aim is to invite practitioners that represent a range of perspectives that may be brought to development and reflections around embodied ideation and soft wearables To submit please send a link to a dropbox folder and/or an email attachment and a link to a vimeo or youtube file to Oscar Tomico:

On the day:

We request that participants bring devices, approaches, props, equipment and/or techniques that will enable them to share their techniques and experiment with new discoveries. The intention is to expand how we all – as researchers, theorists and practitioners – are thinking about, using, documenting and sharing embodied design research methods in the context of soft wearables. Our overall aim is to destabilize, to revolutionize, rather than to simply support evolution: to lay the foundation for an ongoing conversation in an expanded community of theorists and practitioners.