
Oct 28, 2014

Next ArcInTex conference

Next ArcInTex meeting will take place at:
Nottingham Trent University, February 23-27, 2015.  

‘Narratives in An Internet of Soft Things’

The event brings together the Arcintex research community in smart textiles, architecture and interaction design, with the UKRC research project An Internet of Soft Things, concerned with the development of co-design methodologies for mental wellbeing service communities.
It will focus on the use of personal narratives in therapeutic practices, and the potential offered by environments augmented with smart textiles to enable new ways of creating, sharing and accessing stories. 
It will ask delegates to think about the ethical as well as technical dimensions involved in how we choose to render, interpret, save or analyse such narratives, and what this can mean for personal identity and growth.
More information will come »