The Re-enchantment of Cloth by Barbara Layne
The catalog was created for downloading on the iPad, but can also be viewed on a Mac computer, if it is running the operating system, O S X Mavericks.
Go to the iBook application (you may need to download the iBooks app first) on the iPad and search for The Re-enchantment of Cloth by Barbara Layne. (on Mavericks you would navigate through iTunes).
Installation detail of The Re-enchantment of Cloth at the Museo Textil de Oaxaca Mexico
The catalog is filled with both images and videos: click on images to enlarge and use arrows to see additional views of the same work. There is also a Spanish language version available, El reencantamiento de la tela.
The exhibition ran from March 8-June 1, 2014. It was a real pleasure to see the work of the past 7 years all in one place, and working with the staff at the museum was fabulous. I hope you are able to take the time to view the catalog.
All the Best,