3 PhD positions in design
Research focus
Research in design in the field of textiles and fashion means artistic design research with a strong focus on, both theoretically and practically, deepening understanding of the interplay between analysis and synthesis in the design process as a basis for developing design methodology, design techniques, and design programs. The research approach is mainly experimental and focused on design in which the development of methodology, programs, and techniques presupposes critical experimental artistic work. In the field of textiles and fashion design there are the following specialisations:
Textile Design: to develop, deepen, and critically illuminate the artistic basis for design as a field and craft with a focus on the expressiveness of textile materials and techniques as they build and express textile products and environments.
Fashion Design: to develop, deepen, and critically illuminate the artistic basis for design as a field and craft with a focus on the expressiveness of clothing as it dresses and expresses people.
Textile Interaction Design: to develop, deepen, and critically illuminate the artistic basis for design as a field and craft with a focus on the expressiveness of the use of textiles as it defines and expresses textile products, environments and people.
More information can be found in below link: