
Feb 21, 2020

Call for (art)works, design and performances: DIS2020

DIS2020 conference: July 6-10, 2020. Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Deadline: February 28, 2020.

DIS2020 is exploring the theme “More than user-centered design”, and the accompanying exhibition is seeking  provocative, disruptive and aesthetic design and performance works for the theme “More than [ … ]”.
The (art)works will be either design or performance works, or hybrids between the two. We especially encourage design works that can be performed, and performances that can be exhibited. We encourage site-specific works or works that can be deployed in unusual spaces, such as staircases, elevators, hallways (inside or outside). There will also be a dedicated exhibition space for artifacts.
The call is open to all disciplines, as well as outside the academic community. You are welcome to submit no matter the form, such as performance, dance, theater, fashion design, architecture, game design, sound design, etc. The (art)works can be of any nature, physical, digital, objects, material, software hacks, high-tech or low-tech, etc. 
Think about the four days of the conference as an experimental space, opening up the possibility to contribute, intervene, raise questions or change the community behind. Please challenge us with your “More than [...]” (art)work !
For submission instructions, please visit:

… About the conference

The ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) is the premier, international arena where designers, artists, psychologists, user experience researchers, systems engineers and many more come together to debate and shape the future of interactive systems design and practice.
More information: